Sunday, September 27, 2009

Class assignment- Are you more inspired by this or that?



To talk in binaries is difficult.

Yes and no.

The way people see me and understand me

is contradictory to how I feel.  I feel this way, maybe.

If how I feel is who I am ,

then I guess you could linearly say …no one really knows me-

based on their perception of how I  am,

outwardly, no?


Are you more inspired by the presence or absence of contentment?

Most people perceive me as confident and outspoken. 

I think this is true, but it is false.

I second-guess myself. I think.

On occasion I can spout a vocabulary that seems indicative of that. Often.

But the handful of people that have the pleasure

(or misfortune, possibly)

of knowing me intimately ,

know the anxious, panicky creature

prone to awkward  social and self retreats.

The creature flees inward, often and fast,

When contentment is fleeting.

Don’t get in the way when the creature runs inside itself- it will tear you away with it. 

In abundance of contentment the creature is free to move about,

unwearied by its own anxious ways. 

It is distant towards its own debilitations, and self-deprecates less often.

Productivity increases.

When contentment is absent,

The creature shuts down.

Shutting down.

Shut down.

Down is decrease.


More Inspired by rest or fatigue?

I am too rested to answer that.

I have nothing to say,

right now.


Relaxation or Pressure?

There may be a strong correlation between rested and relaxed. 

I rest to relax. Possibly.

Or relax to rest? ..This is fatiguing.

I am inspired.

I feel pressure to answer honestly,

and well.

If it is expected of me,

I will.

Don’t disappoint anyone-

That is a lot of pressure.

It will work; I will work,



Joy or Sorrow?

You work from what you know.

With my melancholic disposition,

I have not the understanding to be overwhelmed by joy.

My family understands-

it has worked- I have worked- from this place, my whole life.

I am happy,

most of the time.

But it is not what I am inclined towards being.

My mother told me

Its just the way I am.

She is probably right.

I am not the sort who is predisposed to argue such a point.

It is not that I choose sorrow to inspire,

It it that I have little other choice.

It seems.


Culture or Nature?

I can choose both.


It is my objective to redefine the distinction between such a binary.

I chose culture,

because it is culturally relevant.

I will choose nature- because it can be cultured.

I will funnel all of culture through my cipher

I will do this to nature,

as well.

Like Lil’ Wayne.




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